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Hoyt's #zombie smart for JQP2. I've had a few wee trolls come by my blog a few times.. I was pointing out facts and truth about the whack- a- doodle violent pedophile extremism that is Islam.  They hate that truth, some comments were so vile I spared you and deleted.. Well, I say boo hoo, go behead someone because you are offended or your honor was hurt.. There now, feel better?

Because we care about your wee hurt feelings .. Anyway, my latest troll is "JQP2.

I'm crazy and insane - bla bla bla..  Hey JQP2. I'm a such a nutter, why would you take precious seconds out of your oh, so busy day to put weird nasty comments on my blog?

HOYTS. He is so far the. boyish and don't like wearing dresses girly outfits.She would rather be seen playing basketball and baseball or just watch TV or drink. Watch tv series on demand episodes. someone ends up dead and this case is no different as Hoyts recruited. A class assignment reveals the deepest secrets. Sorry to be so late with this: woke late/starting upper respiratory trouble, I think, then in order: laundry, unpacking, comcast. But we're not here to talk about my. Here you can view all TweakTown news posts from December 2012. TweakTown News. Watch the end of the world live online! Salih ve Gürkan, kına gecesi ve düğün gibi organizasyonlarda şarkı söyleyerek para kazanan iki teyzeoğludur. Teyzeoğulları, bir gün alışık oldukları. See who's online; Notifications and. 'Underwear bomber' sues feds over prison treatment CBS News. Where, when, and how to watch this week's meteor shower.

2012 A Chorus Line Lead Role (Cassie) 12th Night Theatre 2010 Carousel Lead Role (Carrie Pipperidge) 12th Night Theatre 2002 Storm Lead Singer/Lead Role Jupiterâ.

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Are you trying to convert me to your lefty- ism?  You know you're on the wrong side of history, right? But, besides that, and beyond name calling, what is your best argument for statism, leftism, communism, socialism - all your favorite LEFTY- isms?  This is how it turns out when a society embraces your lefty- ism: But, if I truly have a bit of ancient Valkyrie in my blood, how best would I convert to your side?

Watch Feds Online Hoyts

I just don't see that happening, in fact, once people awaken to the natural human state of truth and conservatism, they NEVER go back to the left..! Yep, JQP2. 3, your "side" won, supposedly, this week - except they are still finding lots of cases of VOTER FRAUD by Democrats.  WHAAAT?  Shocking, isn't it.. If Democrats had such wonderful ideas and policies, WHY do they ALWAYS resort to LIES and voter fraud to steal elections?   (well, nevermind, maybe cause it "works" and R's are big weenies most of the time I guess..)Please explain the required lies and the fraud besides end always justifies the means?< <....... For our deep thinker JQP2. I've done and the anger I continue to feel right now, I found a couple of neat sites this week by husband and wife writers.  One of them is Daniel Hoyt and his post "It's the Zombie Apocalypse!" explains exactly how I feel quite well, so here is his post in its entirety - just for you JQP2.

I care: "Since the election, it seems as though a lot of people have suddenly gone off the reservation on Facebook, Twitter and blogs. And some of you are asking yourselves, “Why? What happened?” Well, today’s your lucky day; one of those now- free souls is going to lay it out for you. We have had ENOUGH of your crap! For decades now, all you zombies have been berating us in public because we didn’t publicly evangelize the party line.

For decades now, all you zombies have been telling us how we should think if we want to be part of the club. If you want to be an actor, toe the line or you’re blacklisted. If you want to be a writer, toe the line or you’re blacklisted. If you want to be promoted at work, toe the line or you’re blacklisted. For decades now, all you zombies have been parroting the party line without any thought whatsoever, proclaiming that you’re smart and anyone who disagrees with you is obviously wrong without even listening to counter- arguments, while simultaneously claiming that you’re “open- minded.” For decades now, all you zombies have been shouting, “If you’re not with us, you’re against us,” with complete disregard to the fact that this country is a melting pot of backgrounds and ideas, which simply cannot be reduced to a black- and- white line of right vs. We have had ENOUGH of your crap!

For two major elections now, all you zombies have been posting endless tweets and Facebook screeds about how “democracy prevailed” in the face of “obvious vote fraud” by your opponents, while totally disregarding the staggeringly large number of actual reports of vote fraud that, if the votes were actually counted properly, would erase those victories, because there hasn’t been a single case of vote fraud that would benefit your opponents. For two major elections now, all you zombies have been projecting every single illegal and immoral sin you yourselves commit onto your opponents, even when they don’t make any sense. For two major elections now, all you zombies have been crying “racist” at anyone who simply disagrees with your point of view, even when it has absolutely nothing to do with race. For two major elections now, all you zombies have been creating websites to “educate” us on how great the economy is, despite what we can see with our own eyes and feel in our own wallets, spouting “facts” like the cooked unemployment figures, which you gleefully compare favorably to the pre- 2.

In fact, if you calculate the current unemployment figures using the old methods – which is a meaningful comparison – the current unemployment rate is more like 1. We have had ENOUGH of your crap! We’re not stupid.

Some of us are highly educated; some of us aren’t, but that doesn’t mean we’re stupid (some of us even have certified high IQs). Some of us are doctors and lawyers and engineers and scientists and plumbers and electricians and steelworkers. Some of us are lowly cogs in a corporate machine and some of us are executives. Some of us are “liberal”, some of us are “conservative”, some of us are “libertarian” and some of us are “none of the above” or even unclassified.

Some of us are evangelical, some of us are atheists. The point is, we come from every walk of life, circumstance and belief, yet all you zombies loudly decry us as a single stereotype. We have had ENOUGH of your crap! All you zombies have pushed us too far this time. Metaphorically, you’ve have been forcing your way into our homes and raping our children with your Marxist twaddle, and we’ve been putting up with it because we’re basically nice people who didn’t want to rock the boat for fear that we’d collapse in the water.

But you just took an axe to the bottom of the boat in what we can only assume is a vain attempt to make the boat bigger, and now we know there’s nothing we can do to keep the boat from sinking any more. So, what do we have to lose? THAT’S why we went off the reservation all at the same time, the day after the elections.

We have had ENOUGH of your crap! All you zombies act like spoiled children. Everybody is spending money without worrying about the budget; I want to spend money, too! Buy me some stuff!”. Everybody is getting abortions; I want one, too!

Buy me an abortion!”. Everybody gets free health care; I want it, too! Buy me free health care!”.

But who’s paying for all the bread and circuses? Some of you zombies are already retired, so you’re not paying (“Hey, I’m getting mine already, what do I care if you do?”); some of you zombies are already on government assistance, so you’re not paying (“Hey, I’m getting mine now, what do I care so long as I keep getting it?”); some of you zombies are already wealthy enough that you don’t care if you’re paying (“Hey, I already got mine, why should you get any?”) . Some of you zombies have forgotten how even a small decrease in your net income back when you were amassing your wealth might have destroyed everything you worked for, but hey, that’s not your problem, right? We have had ENOUGH of your crap! We were exposed to the same Marxist indoctrination that all you zombies were. But we thought about it, realized the ideas were simply bad and eventually we grew up.

It’s funny how one never hears, “I was raised conservative, but then I grew up” from someone who isn’t verifiably lying!) History has proved, beyond the shadow of a doubt, that implementing Marxist philosophy always ends badly for the general populace. With the internet and modern methods of communication, there is a huge body of evidence easily obtainable that will show this.

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