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Reasons Jon Snow WON'T Win The Game Of Thrones. Jon Snow was born a bastard and rose to become Lord Commander of the Night’s Watch. He has killed a white walker and escaped the army of the dead. He has also died and come back to life. His (apparent) real parents point to him being the long prophesied Prince That Was Promised. Jon Snow is a natural leader, brave and experienced, and one of the best candidates to be the ultimate victor when Game of Thrones ends.

However, this doesn’t mean he will be victorious. There are plenty of reasons why he will not be the one sitting on the Iron Throne when (or if) the Great War with the White Walkers is won and Westeros finally has a single ruler.

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He has too many enemies, known and unknown. The obstacles he still has to face might be insurmountable. Plus, he might not even want to win– we don’t know if anyone can win against the white walkers. So, while it might not be what many fans of the show want to hear, these are 1. Reasons Jon Snow Won’t Win The Game Of Thrones.

He’s too willing to sacrifice himself to save others*Jon is supremely brave and noble, which makes him willing to do whatever it takes to fulfill his duty. This means that he is not afraid to make the ultimate sacrifice if it means saving others.

He showed this when he went off to kill Mance Rayder after the Battle of Castle Black. There was no Lord Commander at the time, and Alliser Thorne was injured during the fight, so Jon led the defense of The Wall. When the battle had been won, he went off alone to meet with Mance Rayder. Jon knew the Night’s Watch couldn’t survive another attack, so he decided he would try to assassinate Mance.

The wildling army was only united because of the King Beyond the Wall, so killing him would scatter their enormous force. Jon knew it was a bad plan, and even if he was successful he would have been captured and killed. He still went off to certain death, because it was the only way to save countless others. If he was willing to do that for the Night’s Watch and the North, he’ll certainly be willing to do it when the Great War with the white walkers comes. Robert doomed mankind when he killed the actual Prince That Was Promised, Rhaegar Targaryen. There are many theories about who will end up being the Prince That Was Promised– the prophesied savior of mankind who will lead the living to a victory over the army of the dead.

The darkest among these theories says that the Prince was Rhaegar Targaryen. If correct, this would be a big problem, since Robert Baratheon killed him during his uprising. If Rhaegar was the Prince That Was Promised, this would mean that even before the current story in Game of Thrones began, mankind was already doomed. So, there would ultimately be no way for Jon Snow or anyone else to save the world from the white walkers. Such a devastating ending from George R.

R. Martin can’t be ruled out so soon. This would be a particularly crushing conclusion for Jon Snow, since Rhaegar appears to be his real father. This has technically only been hinted at in season 6, but it is likely true.) Jon might have been born into a world that was already doomed, all because of the death of his parents.

He doesn’t have dragons – and dragons always win. Aegon Targaryen conquered the Seven Kingdoms with his two sister- wives and their three dragons, and the dragonlords of Valyria ruled Essos for thousands of years thanks to their control over the giant beasts.

Dragons are undefeated in the world of ice and fire, and Jon doesn’t have any of them, but Daenerys does. The Mother of Dragons is currently heading to Westeros with her three enormous “children.” She has risen from nothing to become one of the most powerful people in the world, and her motivation has been to take back the Iron Throne. Even if she discovers that Jon is her nephew, she still might not care. She has one goal, and dragons to help her achieve it. This could mean that it would be impossible for Jon to emerge as the ultimate victor.

Even with all of the support of the North, the Vale, and the wildlings, they aren’t as formidable as three fire- breathing dragons. He won’t want to leave the North to rule the Seven Kingdoms. Jon could end up being the Prince That Was Promised, and lead the living to victory. However, this doesn’t mean that he would choose to sit on the Iron Throne at the story’s end. This could be by choice, when Jon refuses to leave his people and the North. He could deny the crown out of loyalty to the North, his home where he has just been named King in the North. Like the Dornish, Northerners are very different from the rest of Westeros.

They don’t tend to like life outside of their kingdom. Jon could decide that he not only has a duty to stay in the North, but that he prefers life there. Jon could also decide to stay in Winterfell, since it seems predictable that most Starks end up dead when they march South– like his “father” Ned, his grandfather, and his uncle who all died in King’s Landing. His brother Robb was also murdered after marching South. Why survive a war with the white walkers only to be killed in a hostile, strange land? He’ll support his aunt Daenerys’s claim to avoid more war. If Jon’s real father is Rhaegar Targaryen then this would make Daenerys Targaryen his aunt.

If they learn about the true nature of their relationship before the war, it could lead to a winning alliance capable of defeating both the white walkers and House Lannister. However, when the Great War ends only one of them will be able to sit on the Iron Throne. Jon will have his supporters, and Daenerys (and her dragons) will have hers. Westeros would then be facing the possibility of yet another destructive civil war over the Throne. How many wars does Jon want to fight, and for what?

A crown? After beating the White Walkers he would probably have enough perspective to know which wars are worth the effort. So, rather than fighting to be king, he might support his aunt’s claim. This would allow his family to maintain ultimate power, while he remains Warden of the North.

Since Daenerys might not be able to bear children, this would mean that Jon and his future children would still be next in line to rule over Westeros. This would be peaceful outcome for all. Baelish will eliminate him before he has a chance to win. The death of Jon Arryn put the war for the Iron Throne in motion, and it was Littlefinger who secretly plotted his murder to create chaos in Westeros. From there, Baelish has worked in the shadows, turning supposed allies against one another through unseen treachery and scheming. Each betrayal has paved for the way Baelish to gain more power, with his eyes always on the ultimate prize of ruling the Seven Kingdoms.

Everything had been going perfectly for Baelish, until Jon Snow was named King in the North after defeating the Boltons, rather than Sansa. Baelish had set up Sansa to gain control of the North, which would thereby give him more power as he whispered in her ear. This new outcome makes Jon a threat to everything that Baelish has worked for, and threats to his schemes have always ended up dead. Before Jon even has a chance to defeat the white walkers, he easily could end up as the latest victim on the path to Baelish’s climb to the top. Watch What A Girl Wants Online Free HD.

A bastard will never be seated on the Iron Throne. Jon’s mother is Lyanna Stark, and, even if Rhaegar Targaryen is his father, this would mean that the two were never married, which would still make Jon a bastard. A Stark or Targaryen would be accepted as a ruler by the rest of the Seven Kingdoms, but not a Snow. A Snow is a bastard, and, with the exception of Dorne and the Night’s Watch, bastards are not respected in Westeros. Watch X-Men: The Last Stand Online Metacritic.

There is a limit to the heights they can achieve. Even a bastard who had rose to be named King in the North would be looked down on by Southerners. There are some who would never accept him as their king, which would make it impossible for Jon to take the Iron Throne.