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TRANSCRIPT FOR EPISODE 3. Welcome to the show I am your host Rob and this is the Today in i. OS podcast -  First up I want to thank PHIL for sending in the music you hear in the background. PHIL wrote:  Hi Rob. This song called Deuling Pianos was all created with Garage Band on an i.

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Phone and exported directly. No other software or hardware were used. This is not available for sale anywhere, just a hobby thing.  Regards, Phil WSONG Deuling Pianos. Thanks PHIL for the music and folks I will put the full song at the end of the episode.   I also want to thank ROBERT for sending in the Artwork for today's show.

ROBERT wrote the following: Hi Rob, This is a picture of the custom WWE World Heavyweight Championship that was given to the Royals after winning the World Series. I removed the WWE logo and added TII using the app Photo Editor- by Axiem Systems. Regards, Robert  Thanks ROBERT, for sending in this artwork and folks you can see ROBERT'S artwork in the FREE Tii App via the BONUS button for ep 3. VIP section and at Facebook.

The following is a list of zombie feature films. Zombies are fictional creatures usually portrayed as reanimated corpses or virally infected human beings.

Iran Has Pivoted to Video. Tom McKay. 8/26/17 7:02pm. They’re fascinating to watch. An upperclassman who had been researching terrorist groups online. May Contain Nuts shared's Adventures of a Trans. May Contain Nuts Joe Strangersmeanwhile killing a kid. Provides news, weather, sports and online shopping for Madison and greater Wisconsin from WISC 3 Madison. [CBS].

If you have some artwork and or music you have created on your i. OS device that you would like to share with the audience please email it to me at today in i. OS at gmail dot com and please make sure to include which app or apps you used to create said artwork and or music. In this segment of how wrong were they we have the following quote quote If Microsoft could ship today, Surface would send ripples across the tablet marketplace. It’s too bad the first devices won’t arrive for months. But come autumn, for all Apple’s early sales success, Microsoft will pull from a much larger and deeper ecosystem — and across the Surface, i. Pad is but a stone’s throw away.” unquote Joe Wilcox, Beta News, 1.

June 2. 01. 2Well as we all have learned - Beta means not quite ready for prime time - so Beta News is a good place for Joe to be reporting - Just Sayin 0. For promo codes we have codes from the folks behind the Silk ASMR app which has been featured before. They say there are some new features. Here is their review / comments of their app. “Hello Rob, we have made some big updates to our free- to- download app, Silk ASMR.

We now have In- App News alerts about free, discounted, and new relaxation tracks every week.   Your podcast listeners can use the promo codes to check out our newest tracks which include hypnotic rain, babbling brooks, soothing birds, and the calming sounds of cats purring.” Well thanks to the Devs for their review of their App - SILK ASMR and for sending in the promo codes to give away. Folks if you would like a chance for a promo code for this App - please send an email to todayinios at gmail dot com and put SILK  in the subject line. https: //itunes. A QUICK REMINDER if you are an App developer or an i. Book Author email me if you want your app or i. Book featured in the promo give away segment FOR FREE We Just need the 5 promo codes or more to give away.

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Book - indicating you are the dev or author.  Also when you send in the promo codes - please make sure to let me know when they expire. If you are in the Kansas city area on Saturday December 1. PM we will have a special KC Podcaster meetup at Google Fiber Space Lounge - yes I said google. I will have a 1 hour what is and how to podcast 1. Google Play Music destination - so there will be some 2. If you are a podcaster this is a great chance to meet other KC area podcasters - if you are a podcast listener same thing and if you are interested in becoming a Podcaster this is the session you have been looking for.

Link in the show notes for the meet up - space is limited - so sign up ASAP before I start really promoting this. 0. OS 9. 2 beta 4 was released this week - just 8 days after beta 3.

Seems Apple has on this round stuck to the almost weekly release schedule - that will likely be the end of that with this beta release.  What is new - Well Arabic content via siri is new - You are able to talk to siri in Arabic. Search for local places and businesses and more. Out side of that it seems it was as expected mostly about squashing bugs man.  Obviously we are getting closer to a full release of i.

OS 9. 2  But not something that will happen until December - as next week is typically not the week your push out new software - being most of apple is on shut down for the Thanksgiving holiday. I would not be surprised to see i. OS 9. 2 GM released around December 1st or 2nd. Most reports on Beta 4 seem to be around it being stable Or relatively there of. TV OS 9. Beta 3 was also released  0. I received my i. Pad Pro last week and when I first opened it up my initial reaction was - WOW that is big. I mean I knew it was going to be big - but I did not really understand how big until I opened that box and held it for the first time. My boys both comments on how big it was. My wife called it a lunch tray.

To put the size in perspective - the screen is larger than the screen on my Wifes 2. Mac. Book - and just slightly smaller than the screen on my 2. Mac. Book Pro. It is too big to fit into any of the i. Pad pouches in my laptop bags. So I have to put it in the main area meant for the laptops.  But you know what - Big is not a bad thing - depending on what you are going to do with it.

Editing a podcast - Bigger is better. It is really easy to edit audio on the i.

Pad Pro using twisted wave. And the i. Pad Pro is also smoking fast.

Besides having 4. GB of RAM - it is being clocked at 2. GHz.  This results in a very powerful mobile computing device.  One good test on pure computing power is the encoding of a recording in bossjock app to MP3 format. If you take a 1. 0 minute recording and encode to mp. Phone 4. S - it will take you 3. For the i. Phone 6+ it takes just 9. Pad Pro it takes only 6.

When I started podcasting 1. Titanium Powerbook took over 1,2. Just to put the i. Pad Pro’s power into perspective.

Going multitask mode is where the i. Pad Pro is really nice - you can surf the web and have email open side by side and have plenty of room to be productive in both. But here is the wannt wannnnt waaahh moment - you can’t go multitask mode with all apps - just those that support it.

So Sadly - Bossjock can not go side by side / multitask mode with other apps. But luckily Safari and evernote do - so I can work on my show notes much easier on the i. Cabaret Online Putlocker. Pad Pro.  I should point out that actually no audio recording apps I tested would allow multitask mode - so not just bossjock - but also garageband - Apples own recording app would not go multitask mode. One place that big is also really nice is watching videos - I have been using it to watch Netflix - both when I work out and in bed at night.

With the four speakers - the audio quality is leaps and bounds better then other i. OS devices.  But you do need to have something to rest it on. Holding it for a couple of episodes of a TV show can get old quick. I have a rest made for the original i. Pad that works really well.

I will mention something similar in the Kickstarter Campaign segment later in the show - it is called Meet Booy with boy spelled b o o y  of course. Where big is never good is with big and naked - I am still having flashbacks to Kappa sorority and sophomore year UD. Wooo Sorry - flashbacked again. Anyway I was right I really do feel more angst carrying it around naked then if it had a case and I was naked. Good news is the Smart Keyboard arrived Friday morning.  I should mention between episodes 3. Watch The Nice Guys Download Full. Tii App only - is the unboxing videos for both the i.

Pad Pro and the Apple Pencil and the Smart Keyboard - three different videos. Those are up - so please check them out in the free Tii App   So obviously the Apple Pencil did get here earlier this week - kind of hard to do an unboxing video if you don’t have the box - My Oldest son had fun playing with the Apple Pencil and creating some pictures in the Notes app.

Pairing it is pretty easy - plug it in to the lightening port and turn on bluetooth and it asks to pair. You have to plug it in any way to charge it.

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