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One great plus was that it meant that I could watch TV while at. (we usually confine ourselves to. although by necessity we’ve gone to Hoyts more.

Zion's Watch Tower and Herald of Christ's Presence Money. C)ZION’S WATCH TOWERALLEGHOIY,PA. Vc*trd rrghts 1)) st support government; for, without govern- prosperity which lifted them to their present level is alreadyment vested rights would soon be divested. And governmentsturning. Indeed, there. This is evidenced by the recent coal strike in England.

Some years ago the miners, by a general strike, secured anadvance of wages of 4. All can see as quite probable that which the Bible declaresagainst a reduction of 2. The miners fought with desperation, realizing that defeatnow would presently mean a & ii.

The min- and by fall together before the poor and discontented masses. Already the power is in the hands of the masses in Europe; hunger rather than work for less pay now, and still less byalready thev see that their condition is an almost hopeless one,and by. A London press dispatch describes matters in fewso far- as any rise above present conditions is concerned: thewords, thus : few have the power. They see no hope under present“All the relief now being generously poured into Yorkshireand Lancashire will not prevent the famine there gettingsocial regulations, and they want a change.

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Some hope for theworse each week. Correspondents on the spot describe the con- change br moderate means; as, for instance. Belgian een- dition of thousands in the West Ridingasfireless. The success of that strike has encourdeed themisery. Watch The Fountainhead Online Hulu. Austria- Hungary to hope for similar politics privi- The death rate has gone up to something dreadful.

What a crushing blow this long suspension has dealt industriesle. Fc. 1z by a similar method; and such a strike is now threat- of every descriftion can be gr& sed by the fact that the sevenened there. Julia X Full Movie.

Others seem to realize that in any mental struggle theof receipts in thi past seventeen weeks of $9,0. It should be noticed, too, that the greatest unrest prevailsin the end, only a revolution of force will succeed. These arewhere there is the greatest~intelligence, an& where there hasas yet a small minority, but very active.

In Spain, France,been the greatest prosperitv for the nast thirtv vears. As the. England, Germany and Austria, as well as in Russia, crazy. United S? ates and G; eat “Britain have been” the most pros- anarchists fruitlessly dash themselves to pieces against theperous, and the peoples of these have the greatest general in- ramparts of society,Why do not the masses overturn thetelligence and freedom, so these have suffered most from finan- present social order and establish a new and more equitablecial depression, and in these strikes have been most frequent. Every one is moved to pity at the thought that in these,Because as yet they are only half awake, and do not realizethe two most civilized and most wealthv nations. Dower: because thev are vet held bv the chains of rever- starve for the very necessities of life. Yet so it is. In London. Reverse the orderofficial reports from Chicago state that 1,1.

The same state of want prevails else- in the nlace and Dower of the rich. Chicago got the most of this classworld- wide revolutibn within a week. It will probably be some twelve years or so future; but.

Watch Confine Online Hoyts

Community News: September 2016. “I cannot in all conscience stand by and watch 111 years of Ku. The online campaign to crowd fund our very own.

Columbian Exnosition. So the United States as a whole suf- sooner or later the masses will get thoroughly awake, thefers most jusi now, and has the greatest number of unem- chains of reverence, true and false, will break, the fit leadersployed, because until recently it hai been so prosperous thatwill arise and the great revolution will be a fact. In the United Stites the ease differs considerably from whathere.

Watch Confine Online Hoyts

Europe. Place the masses here upon the same footing. We have mentioned one principal cause of the present andwith those in Eurone and there would be a revolution imme- coming world- wide trouble to be, the competition of humandiatcly ; bcc*ause tb’c masses here are more intelligent- moreand mechanical skill, resulting in the over supply of the humanawake. The restraining power here is a different one. Hereelement- hence the non- employment of many and the reducednot only has prosperity been great, but opportunities to rise towages of the remainder; and we have seen that, although tem- competency or even wealth have been so general that selfishnessporary relief will soon come, and prosperity soon again prevailhe< kept the mnsscs in linein support of vested rights, etc.,on a lower level, yet, the conditions remaining the same, theunder the nresent social arrangement. But the present financial dipression shows how quickly theof depression will come” which will bring wages to a yet lowersweets of the nresent arrangement might become the bitter oflevel, and so on.

Watch Confine Online Hoyts

This is, so to speak, the upper millstone. But we might mention another imnortant factor in thismulating wealth were taken out of the question. Gold and silve; have been the monev. The farmers of the West, who eagerly mortgaged theirof the civilized from the days of Abraham (Gen. G) untilfarms and promised a large interest for the favor, and whorecentlv.

Now gold is the only standard, silver being used asin some instances speculated with the money, are now manya sub& diary coin for fractional change only. While other men were using their brains and knowledgethc,lr farms are foreclosed according to contract. Mrnc. Jrs, artisans and laborers are embittered in soul asuse; theirs also, and of course in their & vn interest. Theythey < CL’ wages drop and their hopes of owning little homesreasoned, truly, that the more abundant the wheat or anyother commoditv the cheaper it is- the less valuable- and soof tl. Lnlrll. They realize that somehow they mustforever)JCdrpendent upon the favored few possessed of au- with money: the more there is of it the less valuable it is- the less of labor and other things each dollar will nurchase.

They saw that if silver should I& demonitized and g; ld madema, l~inr- , can earn. Lore and the grace of God are eitherthe only standard of money value, every gold dollar wouldlathing or at least none too abundant in their hearts, anderaduallv become worth two, because monev would then beselfi. Cannot I get at least a larger& rly halr as plentiful, for twice as many people would strugglefor it. SUPP~VThis scheme of the European money lenders was forcedand demand bring the teeming human race increasingly %& unon the nations of Europe, because all are borrowers andconrpetrtion with each other, and above all into competitionwkre obliged to comply and. The influence of this extended to the Unitedw. If so. the lot of the masses must growharder ant. States and : ompelled a similar policy here, to the injury ofall except those- who have money- at interest.- _rnc~r~harllc~al skill.

WHAT IS THE REMEDY? The shrinkaee of the value of labor and the Droduce oftlr m: Ln~lshave been supplied- which time is not a great.

Wil \- off. labor of every r& t one- half, to the gold standard,‘is making‘Xo wonder that the poor masses fear the power of money,it twice as difficult to pay off mortgages and other debts pre- viouslv contracted. Watch Monster High: Electrified Streaming. The farm and the labor on it shrink inhralnsand machinerr. It increases in weight; fortllc~rrl. The organizations anunder the chanced conditions the interest is more than twicerr: c! This is the lower mill- r~rr~~s,rt,res and Iu\uric\ of Irfe as a fear of losing what theystone.

The law of supply and demand” is bringing these two mill- chr,rrb of (r,rnforl~ andcnfrty ; for tbry realize that the tide of stones very close together, and the masses who must pass be- rlsosl.