And So It Goes Full Movie

And So It Goes Full Movie Rating: 4,2/5 4291reviews

· Set in a dilapidated Veterans Administration hospital, Article 99 may be the first medical melodrama that isn't about dedicated physicians.

Slaughterhouse- Five - Wikipedia. Slaughterhouse- Five, or The Children's Crusade: A Duty- Dance with Death (1. Kurt Vonnegut about the World War II experiences and journeys through time of Billy Pilgrim, from his time as an American soldier and chaplain's assistant, to postwar and early years. It is generally recognized as Vonnegut's most influential and popular work.[1] A central event is Pilgrim's surviving the Allies' firebombing of Dresden as a prisoner- of- war.

This was an event in Vonnegut's own life, and the novel is considered semi- autobiographical. Plot summary[edit]The story is told in a nonlinear order, and events become clear through flashbacks (or time travel experiences) from the unreliable narrator. He describes the stories of Billy Pilgrim, who believes he was held in an alien zoo and has experienced time travel. Billy Pilgrim, a chaplain's assistant in the United States Army during World War II, is an ill- trained, disoriented, and fatalistic American soldier who refuses to fight ("Billy wouldn't do anything to save himself").[2] He does not like war and is captured in 1. Germans during the Battle of the Bulge.

Billy approaches death due to a string of events. Before the Germans capture Billy, he meets Roland Weary (a patriot, warmonger, and bully just out of childhood like Billy), who derides the soldier's cowardice. When Weary is captured, the Germans confiscate everything he has, including his boots, giving him hinged, wooden clogs to wear; Weary eventually dies in Luxembourg of gangrene caused by wounds from the stiff clogs. While dying in a railcar full of prisoners, Weary convinces fellow soldier, Paul Lazzaro, that Billy is to blame for his death. Lazzaro vows to avenge Weary's death by killing Billy, because revenge is "the sweetest thing in life."At this moment, Billy becomes "unstuck in time" and has flashbacks from his former life. Billy and the other prisoners are transported by the Germans to Luxembourg. By 1. 94. 5, the Germans transport the prisoners to Dresden to work in "contract labor" (forced labor).

And So It Goes Full Movie

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The Germans hold Billy and his fellow prisoners in an empty Dresdenslaughterhouse, "Schlachthof- fünf," "slaughterhouse five." During the extensive bombing by the Allies, German guards hide with the prisoners of war in a deep cellar. This results in their being among the few survivors of the firestorm that raged in the city between 1. February 1. 94. 5. After V- E Day in May 1. Billy is transferred to the United States and receives his honorable discharge in July 1. Soon, Billy is hospitalized with a diagnosis of post- traumatic stress disorder and placed under psychiatric care.

  1. Greetings and/or salutations, people! Welcome to io9's (occasionally weekly) mail column, where I solve the mysteries of the world of nerd-dom to you, both fictional.
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  4. Swedish director Ruben Ostlund won Palme d'Or for this "slapstick tragedy about the fragility of everything we call human".
  5. Cast/credits plus additional information about the film.

A man named Eliot Rosewater introduces Billy to the novels of an obscure science fiction author named Kilgore Trout. After his release, Billy marries Valencia Merble. Valencia's father owns the Ilium School of Optometry that Billy later attends. In 1. 94. 7, Billy and Valencia's first child, Robert, is born. Two years later their daughter Barbara is born. On Barbara's wedding night, Billy is captured by an alien space ship and taken to a planet light- years away from Earth called Tralfamadore. The Tralfamadorians are described as seeing in four dimensions, simultaneously observing all points in the space- time continuum.

They universally adopt a fatalistic worldview: Death means nothing but "so it goes". On Tralfamadore, Billy is put in a transparent geodesic dome exhibit in a zoo; the dome represents a house on Earth. The Tralfamadorians later abduct a movie star named Montana Wildhack, who had disappeared and was believed to have drowned herself in the Pacific Ocean.

They intend to have her mate with Billy. She and Billy fall in love and have a child together. Billy is instantaneously sent back to Earth in a time warp to relive past or future moments of his life. In 1. 96. 8, Billy and a copilot are the only survivors of a plane crash.

Valencia dies of carbon monoxide poisoning while driving to visit Billy in the hospital. Billy shares a hospital room with Bertram Rumfoord, a Harvard history professor. They discuss the bombing of Dresden, which the professor claims was justified, despite the great loss of civilian lives and destruction of the city.

Billy's daughter takes him home to Ilium. He escapes and flees to New York City. In Times Square he visits an adult book store. Billy discovers books written by Kilgore Trout and reads them. Later in the evening, when he discusses his time- travels to Tralfamadore on a radio talk show, he is evicted from the studio.

He returns to his hotel room, falls asleep, and time- travels back to 1. Dresden, where the book ends. Due to the non- chronological story telling, other parts of Billy's life are told throughout the book.

After being evicted from the radio studio, Barbara treats Billy as a child and often monitors him. Watch Bring It On Again Online there. Robert becomes starkly anti- Communist and a Green Beret.

Billy eventually dies in 1. I've said." Billy is soon after shot by an assassin with a laser gun, commissioned by the elderly Lazzaro. Characters[edit]Narrator. Intrusive and recurring as a minor character, the narrator seems anonymous while also clearly identifying himself when he, the narrator, says: "That was I. That was me. That was the author of this book."[3] As noted above, as a soldier, Vonnegut was captured by Germans at the Battle of the Bulge and transported to Dresden. He and fellow prisoners survived the bombing while being held in a deep cellar of Schlachthof Fünf (Slaughterhouse 5).[4] The narrator begins the story describing his connection to the fire- bombing of Dresden and his reasons for writing Slaughterhouse- Five.

Billy Pilgrim. A fatalistic optometrist ensconced in a dull, safe marriage in Ilium, New York. During World War II, he was held as a prisoner of war in Dresden, surviving the firebombing, experiences which had a lasting effect on his post- war life. His time travel occurs at desperate times in his life; he re- lives events past and future and becomes fatalistic (though not a defeatist) because he has seen when, how and why he will die. Roland Weary. A weak man dreaming of grandeur and obsessed with gore and vengeance, who saves Billy several times (despite Billy's protests) in hopes of military glory. Weary gets them captured, leading to the loss of his winter uniforms and boots.

Weary dies of gangrene in the train en route to the POW camp and blames Billy in his dying words. Paul Lazzaro. Another POW. A sickly, ill- tempered car thief from Cicero, Illinois, who takes Weary's dying words as a revenge commission to kill Billy.

He keeps a mental list of his enemies, claiming he can have anyone "killed for a thousand dollars plus traveling expenses." Lazzaro eventually fulfills his promise to Weary and has Billy assassinated by a laser gun in 1. Kilgore Trout. A failed science fiction writer who makes money by managing newspaper delivery boys and has received only one fan letter (from Eliot Rosewater; see below). After Billy meets him in a back alley in Ilium, New York, he invites Trout to his wedding anniversary celebration.

There, Kilgore follows Billy, thinking the latter has seen through a "time window." Kilgore Trout is also a main character in Vonnegut's novel Breakfast of Champions. Edgar Derby. A middle- aged man who has pulled strings to be able to fight in the war. He was a high school teacher who felt that he needed to participate rather than just sending off his students to fight.